At the FORCE2024 Conference in Los Angeles and the Paris Conference on Open Research Information, we held community workshops about the need for collaborative approaches to increasing the metadata quality. At both events, we discussed metadata collaboration, exploring how we can collectively enrich, verify, and maintain the accuracy and trustworthiness of research metadata. These discussions have set the stage for something much larger—a shared commitment to transforming how we all handle metadata across the scholarly community.
Inspired by the success of these workshops, we’ve formed COMET - the Collaborative Metadata Enrichment Taskforce, a new working group focused on these principles. This group will carry forward the principles of openness, transparency, and community-driven governance with the aim of creating a robust framework for metadata collaboration.
Your contact:
Clare Dean, Community Outreach Manager
Meet the Taskforce
Isabel Abedrapo Rosen
Universidad Central de Chile
Elizabeth Agee
US DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Juan Pablo Alperin
Simon Fraser University/Public Knowledge Project
John Aspler
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)
Fred Atherden
Adam Buttrick
California Digital Library
Matt Buys
Amélie Church
Sorbonne University
Yvonne Campfens
OA Switchboard
John Chodacki
California Digital Library
Kyle Demes
Britta Dreyer
Nikoline Dohm Lauridsen
Research Portal Denmark - NORA (National Open Research Analytics)
Nancy Fallgren
National Library of Medicine
Rupert Gatti
Thoth Open Metadata
Maria Gould
DataCite / ROR
Ted Habermann
Metadata Game Changers
Melissa Harrison
Ricardo Hartley Belmar
Hannah Hillen
Metadata & Publisher Outreach Specialist, Thoth Open Metadata
Kristi Holmes
Northwestern University
Jackson Huang
Cristina Huidiu
Wageningen University & Research Library
Katerina Janderova
Czech Academy of Sciences, Library
Eric Jeangirard
French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Jamaica Jones
University of Pittsburgh; CKAN
Anne L'Hôte
French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Tilo Mathes
Research Space / RSpace
Remedios Melero
Spanish National Research Council
Carole Melzac
ABES France
Daniel Nüst
Technische Universität Dresden | NFDI4Earth, KOMET
Priyanka Ojha
Amsterdam UMC
Colin Orian
Dalhousie University
Bhavesh Patel
FAIR Data Innovations Hub, California Medical Innovations Institute
Silvio Peroni
OpenCitations / University of Bologna
Nici Pfeiffer
Center for Open Science
Mark Phillips
University of North Texas Libraries
Vaida Plankytė
Iratxe Puebla
Make Data Count
Maria Praetzellis
California Digital Library
Sheila Rabun
Eric Olson
Center for Open Science
Howard Ratner
Poppy Riddle
Dalhousie University
Carly Robinson
Cody Ross
Mogens Sandfær
Research Portal Denmark / National Open Research Analytics
Eric Schares
Iowa State University
Lisa Schiff
California Digital Library, University of California Office of the President
Arjan Schalken
UKB / Dutch consortium
Paul Shannon
eLife, Sciety and The Kotahi Foundation
Arthur Smith
American Physical Society
Stephan Stahlschmidt
German Centre of Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Toby Steiner
Thoth Open Metadata
Nees Jan van Eck
Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University
Dave Vieglais
University of Kansas
Tim Vines
Tina von Raesfeld
Public Library of Science (PLOS)
Joe Wass
Pardalotus Technology
Simon Willemin
ETH Zurich